Big Idea

Track and support addicition recovery with incentivized care.

I consulted and contributed to this start-up located in Boston, MA becuase addicition and recovery is something I have been personally affected by, so my motivation for this work was beyond just an hourly rate.


Who is our audience and why do they care?


What is the proposed user flow based of early reaserch and discovery?

The Product

A snapshot of the final product.

Key Learnings

Using both quantitative and qualitative research we examined the current implementation of Dynamicare digital products and recommend an improved user experience based on the key findings.

  • More focus on dashboard views, to givethe clinician and the person in recovery more "where I've been" and "where I'm going" insights.
  • Increased monitoring notifications for clinicans and clinics.
  • More real-time reporting for parents or loved ones, the recovering person chooses to share with.